The Cornerstone on Street View
To reach the Cornerstone by Bus:
The Bus to Scalloway leaves Lerwick from the Viking Bus station you will need Service No 4 a time table can be downloaded here and is £1.80 each single (Subject to change).
The shortest route:
Ask the bus driver to drop you off at the corner of lover’s lane and the "New Road A970", take the pavement (sidewalk) on your right hand side, then it's a short walk down New Road past the Fraser public park on your right you will find the cornerstone on the corner on the right.
Slightly longer route:
Take the bus to the bus stop opposite the public hall in Scalloway, go straight ahead till you see the first turn off on the left, go down that road (Lang Closs) this side road has NO pavement (sidewalk) so be careful of the traffic, Turn left at the bottom of the road and keep going past the entrance to the Fraser park, past the hairdressers (the Shearing Shed) the Cornerstone is on the corner.
To reach the Cornerstone by car:
Take the A970 into Scalloway when you pass the Scalloway primary School on your right hand side, you will come to a roundabout, go round the roundabout, keep right and straight ahead in to New Road, past the Fraser Park on your right, the Cornerstone is on the first corner on the right, parking is available in the public carpark (the burn beach) opposite the Cornerstone.
The scenic route is as follows:
Take the A970 into Scalloway when you pass the Scalloway primary School on your right hand side, you will come to a roundabout turn left going up castle street you will see the Scalloway museum & Scalloway castle on your left, you will come to a junction, turn right into "New Street" passing the Chinese takeaway on your right, you will also pass by on your right a row of brightly coloured houses, keep going you will see the Cornerstone straight ahead parking is available in the public carpark (the burn beach) on your left as you come down to the Cornerstone.
These directions and maps are rough guides.